Acupuncture For Fertility

Acupuncture can increase IVF success rates, improve sperm quality, and provide emotional support for women on the fertility journey.


Studies show that acupuncture increases the rate of pregnancy in women who undergo assisted fertility treatments. It also improves the uterus lining, thickens endometrial cells to aid implantation, and reduces stress levels that may impede fertility. Keep reading the article below to learn more about Acupuncture For Fertility.

For many couples who struggle with fertility, acupuncture can help increase their chances of conception. The treatment can improve blood flow, regulate hormones, and create a more fertile environment. Acupuncture can also reduce stress and anxiety, which are common factors that affect fertility.

Acupuncture has been shown to significantly improve the blood supply to the uterus, increasing the chances of embryo implantation during an IVF cycle. This is because it increases the thickness of the endometrial lining, which is necessary for a successful pregnancy.

During an acupuncture session, very thin, stainless steel needles are inserted into specific points on the body. The needles stimulate the acupuncture points that are known to enhance fertility. These points are located on the abdomen and pelvis, including the uterus. They are the same points used for fertility treatments in IVF clinics. The needles can stimulate the uterine artery, improving the blood flow and encouraging thickening of the uterine lining.

Another way acupuncture can improve fertility is by regulating the hormones that control the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Studies show that acupuncture can balance reproductive hormones, such as LH and FSH, which are necessary for ovulation. The body’s hormone levels can also be affected by other health conditions, such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

Acupuncture has been shown to regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation in women who suffer from PCOS and other hormonal imbalances. In addition, acupuncture can improve the quality of a woman’s eggs and sperm. Studies show that women who undergo acupuncture before a fertility procedure, such as IVF, have a much higher success rate than those who do not receive the treatment. In fact, one study found that a single acupuncture treatment on the day of embryo transfer increased pregnancy rates by nearly double.

Increased Sperm Count

The specialized branch of acupuncture called Fertility Acupuncture addresses the root cause of fertility issues. This type of acupuncture optimizes the reproductive system by regulating hormone imbalances, enhancing ovarian function, increasing uterine blood flow and reducing stress levels.

One study showed a significant increase in the number of mature and functional sperm in men treated with acupuncture. The sperm count and motility were improved, and the sperm had better fertilizing ability as well. This is an excellent result for anyone struggling with infertility.

Acupuncture may increase sperm count by improving the testosterone/estrogen ratio. It has also been shown to improve the zinc:cadmium ratio in sperm, which increases motility. In addition, acupuncture can stimulate the production of metenkephalin, an opioid that allows sperm to remain mobile longer.

Regardless of whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or through assisted reproduction, acupuncture can improve your chances of success and give you the best chance of having a healthy pregnancy. Acupuncture can also help reduce the rate of miscarriage, which is a major problem for many women who struggle with infertility.

Although there is some evidence that acupuncture improves sperm quality, more research needs to be done on this topic. Studies on this subject have often been limited by small sample sizes and inadequate testing procedures, as well as by a high risk of bias in the reporting of outcomes.

Acupuncture can significantly improve the results of IVF treatment and can boost pregnancy rates (up to 60%!) It is a safe way to support a natural or medicated cycle, including IUI, as it can decrease uterine inflammation, increase blood flow and prevent miscarriage. The same acupuncture points used to stimulate the uterus for pregnancy can be used to treat pelvic adhesions and scar tissue, which are common causes of miscarriages. In fact, if you’re already pregnant, acupuncture can even lower the risk of miscarriage by triggering the production of prolactin, an anti-inflammatory hormone. This is known as the “anti-miscarriage effect.” It’s important to get a proper diagnosis before proceeding with more treatment. Acupuncture can also interfere with some medications.

Reduced Anxiety and Stress

Acupuncture can decrease anxiety and stress, which is often a contributing factor to infertility. It can also help reduce cortisol levels, which can be high in women trying to conceive. Having high levels of cortisol can lead to a decreased likelihood of getting pregnant as well as increase the risk of miscarriage in those who are already pregnant.

In one study, researchers found that acupuncture reduced anxiety on the day of embryo transfer. However, they found that the benefits were not sustained after treatment. This may indicate that more research is needed to determine if acupuncture has a long-lasting impact on the anxiety levels of those going through in vitro fertilization.

Another study found that acupuncture can lower the stress level of women going through IVF. This is a great way to help them feel more relaxed and prepared for the treatment. Additionally, it can also help them relax more after the treatment is completed. This can help to ease any discomfort they might experience from the procedure, such as pain and fatigue.

This is why it is important to find a certified fertility acupuncturist that is familiar with working with infertility patients. They can ensure that you are receiving the best possible care to help you conceive.

One study found that electro-acupuncture significantly reduced anxiety in women during the oocyte retrieval phase of in vitro fertilization. The researchers found that this was achieved by using a combination of points known to reduce anxiety and tension, such as PC6, ST36 and SP6. This treatment was also found to be as effective as a sedative and provided the same benefits as oxytocin.

The researchers also found that acupuncture was equally as effective in reducing the rate of miscarriage as estrogen therapy, which is a common form of fertility treatment for women with thin endometrial linings. This is important because a thin endometrial lining can cause ectopic pregnancies and miscarriage. Acupuncture was found to be an effective method for improving implantation rates and neuropeptide Y concentrations in the follicular fluid, which are important in determining a successful outcome of IVF.

Increased Ovulation

Acupuncture can help increase the ovulation rate by stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary axis to secrete the right hormones. If a woman has PCOS, acupuncture can also help to regulate the hormones in the body and promote ovulation by stimulating the reproductive organs. Acupuncture is sometimes used in conjunction with fertility medications to help enhance the effects of Clomid and other egg producing drugs. A recent study compared the pregnancy rates of women treated with Clomid with and without acupuncture. The group that received acupuncture showed an improvement of almost 50% in the pregnancy rates versus those who didn’t receive treatment.

In addition to improving blood flow and reducing stress, acupuncture can also increase the chance of a successful implantation during an IVF cycle. This is because acupuncture stimulates the release of certain hormones, including prolactin, that can help relax the uterus and encourage implantation.

This can be especially beneficial for patients who are having trouble conceiving using natural methods or those who have had one or more miscarriages. During an IVF cycle, acupuncture can be done both before and after an embryo transfer to improve the chances of implantation.

Studies have shown that acupuncture can also reduce the risk of miscarriage once a patient is pregnant. It does this by decreasing the levels of cortisol, a major stress hormone that can lead to miscarriages. It has also been found to prevent the inflammation and uterine scarring that can lead to miscarriage.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to improve the fertility of both women and men. It increases blood flow to the uterus, boosts sperm count and quality, reduces stress and anxiety, and stimulates the release of specific hormones that can increase the ovulation rate. It is important to remember that acupuncture is just one part of a comprehensive fertility treatment plan and should be combined with lifestyle changes, Chinese herbal medicine, and nutritional counseling. It is also essential to make sure that any acupuncturist you work with is familiar with fertility issues and has experience treating infertile couples. Acupuncture is typically painless, with most patients describing the sensation as dull, heavy, or warm at the site of needle insertion.